Hippie Roast (My Version)

A friend of mine switched to a GF, Vegan & Raw diet to help her body fight symptoms of MS shortly after she was diagnosed. We had a lovely visit last weekend over a potluck-style meal. My contributions all contained eggs and dairy while Jullie's was a beautiful roast made with quinoa and other stuff which she called "Hippie Roast". I presume there were nuts in it along with some tomatoes, etc. We never did get a chance to discuss the roast's ingredients but I must say it was delicious. 

While thinking of what to make for dinner, knowing it would be vegan or at least vegetarian since I didn't buy any chicken like I normally would, I had to scour the cupboards and fridge and think of what might fit together. I spotted the red lentils in one cupboard, then the sprouted quinoa in another and THEN I thought, "Oh, I could try to make the hippie roast!". So I took those two main ingredients out, cooked them up in separate pots (the quinoa takes about 10 minutes; the red lentils about 25), scoured the fridge and cupboards for the remaining ingredients and came up with the following roast. NOT GF, but certainly vegan. It turned out quite well, actually! We shall see what the menfolk have to say when they have to eat it! Tee hee! 

Hippie Roast (Esther's Version)

1 cup red lentils cooked in 2 cups water + seasoning of your choice (I used organic vegetable flakes, a bit of salt & a bit of chipotle powder)
1 cup sprouted quinoa cooked in 2 cupas water + seasoning of your choice (I used the same as above) + a good amount of dried cilantro or use fresh
1 medium onion, finely chopped and cooked in a bit of olive oil (I also added a smidgen of sesame oil because I like that flavour) + finely chopped peanuts
3/4 to 1 cup chopped tomatoes (I had leftover canned tomatoes with lime & cilantro)
1/4 tsp cumin
dash of sage
salt & pepper to taste

Stir all these ingredients together then add 1 cup gluten flour.

Stir until well combined. Pour into a prepared casserole and bake for 35 minutes at 375 F. 
