Housework & De-Cluttering Dilemmas

So I went nuts today ... well, not really "nuts" but I finally got my butt in gear and started doing something about the clutter in my house. First thing was to simply clean up my bathroom and the main bath. Am I the only one who never seems to get around to what should be weekly cleaning of various areas of my home? SIGH If only someone could just take care of everything for me, a handler, if you will. Someone to get the coffee on in the morning, make sure I get my breakfast, have a lunch ready for me to take to work; someone to feed the cats & dog, do all my housework for me and have a simple supper ready for me when I get home? Oh, let's not forget the grocery shopping. Oh, and while I'm at it, how about someone to sew all my clothes for me so that they fit perfectly, for crying out loud!!! 

I'd also like someone to do all my bookkeeping for me, take care of all my financial stuff so that I don't have to even think about it. 


Alas, that's not reality ...

So coming back down to earth, today I was faced with the urge to finally FINALLY clean my bathroom. Shower, toilet, floor, mirror, countertop, sink. A good scrubbing and everything looks and smells so much better. Next was the main bathroom which needed attention. Then I noticed the hideous condition of the toilet seat so I texted hubby who was already on his way to the hardware store to also look for a toilet seat. That led to his asking me to take pictures of the toilet seat and text them back to him so he can get the right kind. So how many ways are there to take a picture of a toilet seat?! Apparently the 5 pictures I did take weren't good enough but hubby managed to bring back something that looks like it will work. Now, if only he can get the old seat OFF the toilet, then all would be right with the world as far as the main bath is concerned. 

So much more to do in that room, though. Rip off the wallpaper border at the ceiling which is already partly ripped off anyway; re-paint the whole room, rip out the flooring and replace it with something more MODERN; re-finish the vanity which badly needs some attention as it now has some minor water damage from 21 years of usage. 

That's another thing ... why can't you purchase something ONCE in your life and have it last forever? Is that too much to ask? 

Yah, I guess so. 

The day got better though as I then moved on to the massive stockpile of magazines and books that I have scattered throughout the house. The family room supply was the first victim. About 8 cardboard magazine holders were emptied out. Gonna take those 2 boxes of magazines & books to work tomorrow and see if any other other ladies there will take them off my hands. Whatever is left by the end of the week is going to GARBAGE HEAVEN. Oh yah!!! 

Yes, the books were not immune to my clutter cleansing. I have a box started for those as well. 

That was the family room. I barely started on the living room area and just as I was sitting down on my comfy sofa I looked across the room to the footstool and saw another pile of magazines ... ARGH! ANOTHER PILE! And now that I think about it, there are more in the back office. What was I thinking?! A lot of them I hadn't even read yet, mail-in cards still tucked into the spine of the mag. 

Hey, it's a start of many more Sundays like this. Time spent sorting and cleaning and tossing and then celebrating the big clean! 

Now for some R & R.
